This is the terrible news that Delhi govt can't provide the food to lower class people when the people visit the e-store with their e-coupon and ask for their ration the simply say that this e-coupon was expired yesterday (17-may-2020) because in that coupon was before of 18-may-2020 and say you can't get ration by them if they try to call given number by the Delhi govt for help That was continuously busy and not pick the call I personally call them to check that was true. as well people try to register so there was written that already created user and when they check out their status they see this Awaiting Kit Approval in image down.
Even who are work their they say that yesterday was they giving ration for that e-coupon. So in lockdown how they know that today they giving ration because they are not going outside as well they already visit multiple times to that E-Store For that time ration was not available to them.(area Kadipur School)
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